Dedicated servers operations

System administrator and hostng engineer for hire

Dedicated consultant will help you choose a provider

We do know what differs dedicated servers and data centres, we have spoken with them many times. Use our experience and find the right quality service.

Server lifetime management

We help you with the DC and hardware choice, install and set up the server, update and monitor the operating systems metrics then help you with your application maintenance and when it’s the time we migrate the service and secure the data. Whatever you need.

Server monitoring and an incident managment

The set up is not the end, you need to monitor and measure your server to be sure your application is healthy and secure. It’s why we pro-actively monitor your services and respond to incidents coming from the monitor and from the hosting provider, replace faulty disks, de-list your blacklisted IPs, extend your hardware and much more …

Experienced system administrator at your disposal

Do you know which operating system to choose and how to allocate your available disk space? Our experienced system administrator will help you with answer for these and much more questions. It’s work picking his brain … because it’s his passion!

Cooperation with delevopers

If you run a software house you already know how important is communication between development and operation teams for the quality of your product. We’ve always worked very close do devs, in fact most of us do code every day. Try us and you will not look back.


“Perfect system to nasz niezawodny i godny polecenia partner w zakresie wdrożeniu technologii Lorem ipsum. Dzięki sprawnej ekspertyzie lorem i solidnego wykonania ipsum zwiększamy wydajność całego systemu. Największym atutem jest bezpośrednie sparcie klienta – także końcowego! Dzięki temu nie martwimy się o brak lorem ani ipsum w sytuacjach gdzie lorem ipsum”

George Linux

Job title, ICT Technology




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