Developer tools
everything your team needs to create software
DevOps Engineer
Experienced DevOps engineer can help you to choose the right tools for your development workflow.
Continuous Integration tools
If you are thinking about improving the integration and shipping code process, we can help you with introducing CI to your environment. Jenkins and Bamboo can become your new friends.
Continous Delivery
Ship fast, ship often. Automatic integration tests, instant deployment will give you a speed with the feature development.
Version control systems and development workflow
A good version control system is a half of the success. We can help you make your development team even more productive.
Private Atlassian tools hosting
Are you concerned about your project management tools security. We can offer you a private Jira, Confluence and Bamboo hosting on your own or our servers.
Vagrant and Docker in the development process
Use new cutting edge software to stay innovative. Check out how Vagrant and Docker fit into your development workflow.
“Perfect system to nasz niezawodny i godny polecenia partner w zakresie wdrożeniu technologii Lorem ipsum. Dzięki sprawnej ekspertyzie lorem i solidnego wykonania ipsum zwiększamy wydajność całego systemu. Największym atutem jest bezpośrednie sparcie klienta – także końcowego! Dzięki temu nie martwimy się o brak lorem ani ipsum w sytuacjach gdzie lorem ipsum”
services / narzędzia dla developerów